4th December 2020
The painting of our Syston Church has been completed: The Church looks really beautiful. I hope you will be happy to see the changes. I am VERY GRATEFUL to every parishioner for making this possible through your donations and support. On behalf of the Parish, I express SPECIAL THANKS to a number of parishioners who have been visiting the Church to offer their help in one way or another. He would not want to be mentioned but I am especially grateful to Stephen Quinn who came to the Church on a daily basis to inspect/see how the decorators were progressing and check if other places also needed attention. Additionally, he attended to repairs and various odds jobs in the Church to better enable the painting work to run smoothly. A couple of jobs outstanding, in the porch and in Our Lady’s Chapel, will be done shortly. THANK YOU ALL. Please see a video below of the changes
16th December 2020
A big thank-you to Mary, Stephen, and Stephen Paul Quinn for creating and donating to the parish a new Nativity Stable using recycled materials in their garage at home.
The new nativity crib will be erected in front of the altar to help us with our Christmas prayers and worship during this holy season. The pictures are attached herewith.
2nd January 2021
New announcement about New liturgical information can be found here
1st Feburary 2021
Beware of Scammers and anyone asking for money or your bank card details, no matter who they claim to be.
One of our senior parishioners from Sileby received a phone call yesterday from a Birmingham number.
The caller claimed to be “your priest from the Church”. He pressed the parishioner to give him £20 by giving him her Debit Card details.
This is a Crime and obviously, there is no priest or anyone acting on behalf of the Church who can be allowed
to request or collect money from the people in this way. Please be wary of scams that have increased significantly during this pandemic.
If you do fall prey to one, however, you can report it to the Fraud Police by calling 0300 123 2040.
Stay safe and may God bless and protect you. Fr Clement
14th Feburary 2021
A sponsored walk to raise £15,000 for urgent Syston Church roof repairs.
I would like to do a 15-mile power walk on 20th March 2021 in Rutland to raise £15,000 towards Syston Church roof repairs. As we do not have enough parish savings, may I appeal to all my parishioners, my friends and everyone to sponsor me, please?
The roof has nine valleys and now after over 50 years since the Church was built, they all need repairs. The old needs to be replaced with new lead and new tiles around the valleys. As a matter of urgency and to avoid further damage to the building, four valleys have just been done at a cost of £5,304 (quotations are on our noticeboard).
Thank you all for your support. Fr. Clement
5th June 2021
A BIG THANK-YOU EVERYONE for supporting the Walk.
I am very touched everyone has supported this walk for Syston Church Roof repairs. Over £4,500 has been raised so far. A Special thank-you to Sileby Parishioners who sponsored the walk with over £127. A very happy and memorable experience was had by all who did the walk. It was truly incredible!
Please visit click the image below for a video montage of the sponsored walk photos
5th July 2021
A BIG THANK-YOU EVERYONE for supporting the Walk.
I am very pleased to confirm that all the monies raised from the sponsored walk have now been used to repair the roof, please see below the pictures showing the new repairs.
6th July 2021
THE MARRIAGE OF Tabitha Bolam and Tom Pickwell is hereby ANNOUNCED to take place on Saturday 10th July 2021 at 12 pm. Tom and Tabitha are well known in the parish as committed witnesses of the Faith in Christ as Catholics.
They are working as members of the Syston Parish Fundraising Committee. They worked so hard to prepare both Syston and Sileby parishes to celebrate the First “Covid-Secure” Mass in August 2020 and they are currently in charge of Mass Stewarding. Given the support they continue to give the parish, I invite everyone
to pray for the intentions of Tabitha and Tom and especially for their happy and fruitful Marriage.
Finally, may I ask the traditional question which is: if anyone wishes to raise any objection to why this marriage should not go ahead to please contact me as soon as possible.
By Fr. Clement Orango
Parish Priest.
25th October 2021
Syston Church Hall Booking online now available:
We now have the ability to book the church hall either on a one off slot on a recurring basis. Please follow the link to the booking page:
17th January 2022
Heartfelt Thanks to You All from Fr. Clement:
THANK YOU: I am very touched for the many cards/wishes and help you have given me following the death of my sister Norah Barongo R.I.P. I will share this with my mum/family when I visit home if at all possible. I am also very touched by your own faith journey experiences especially when you had to go through your own challenging or grieving times – we are all together in this!
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. We pray that her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace.